CAR RENTAL: Autos Wendy - Corralejo - Fuerteventura.


Autos Wendy is offering car rental services to thousands of tourists on Fuerteventura over the last couple of years. They do have reliable low-budget cars as well as cabriolets and transporters. Prices are competitive and with no hidden extra's. Insurance is included in all their prices and covers most risks.


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Autos Wendy - C/ Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen, 64 - 35660 Corralejo - Fuerteventura

Tel.: 928 867 180 - Fax: 928 535 136 - E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Autos Wendy have regular offers; the prices mentioned below are to be regarded as MAXIMUM prices! For more info on our standard prices (2011), please click below. Please contact us for latest offers and availability.

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