Dieter Noss' bear art book contains wonderful art quotations from the great masters and in some of their famous works of art, from Picasso to Keith Heering, he has lovingly and harmoniously integrated his favourite animal - the bear.
"111 Orte auf Lanzarote, die man gesehen haben muss." - by Carl Lang – Emons Verlag GmbH
A tastefully presented and loosely written travel companion which guides you to some less known but all the more interesting corners of Lanzarote, spiced with their anecdotes and "petites histoires". In German.
How a short-term solution could become the main problem.
The so-called "acid blockers" help people with severe heartburn or duodenal ulcers. But how much of this can our body tolerate?
The bigger the belly, the shorter the life.
Even though most fitness programs fight against the unattractive fat pads on the hips and bottom - a fat (and not beautiful) belly is much more dangerous for our health.
Chronic pain in joints and bones.
In the morning "stiff joints" and actually always aching bones, muscles and tendons - in the vernacular it is usually simply called "I have rheumatism". Not only older people suffer from these complaints.
Temperature regulation and body chemistry.
Our body has an amazing system for regulating its temperature, and its most important agent is sweat. Don't be annoyed by this quite natural body reaction, because it is not only vital but also a perfect means of communication!
Control over intake and discharge: Food and colonoscopy.
Nobody likes to think about it and most of us keep putting off the medical examination. Of course it is a sensitive and intimate matter, but a colon cancer screening can be life-saving.
The exchange centre for food and poisons.
Our modern society is increasingly plagued by gastrointestinal complaints. They are caused by stress, lack of exercise, environmental influences and – of course – an unbalanced diet.
The body of its "over-40's"-owner says hello.
The summer brings it to light: "Muffin tops on stomach and hips"! Just a few years ago, you could keep the distribution of pounds in check by avoiding calory bombs and getting enough exercise. But now the "best age" look in the mirror reveals the unsparing truth: there is physical resistance!
An interview with doctor and scientist Dr. med. Ute Martens:
Choose between the “16:8” or “2:5” intermittent fasting method and go for adapted food.
As soon as the warm season begins, a look in the full-body mirror becomes critical - and the trend towards fasting becomes popular again. Surprisingly, also some types of fat can help us in this process of getting slimmer...
The mineral balance of the human body.
Filtered, demineralised tap water using osmosis technology is still very popular with consumers in Fuerteventura. With this system you can eliminate the smallest amounts of minerals out of the de-salinated seawater and protect your coffee machine and boilers from fast corrosion. But how healthy or harmful is water without minerals for us?
Find a balance between UV-A and UV-B.
It is a sensitive topic: a dark summer tan vs. a healthy pallor separates the spirits. How much sun can a person tolerate and how dangerous are the rays really for our skin?
Vitamin-D Deficiency in the Canary Islands – also on Fuerteventura?
It is hard to believe, but an amazing number of people in the Canarian Islands suffer from vitamin D deficiency...
Bacterial and viral infections of the throat.
Actually, it is thought that they occur mainly in the cool season - but it is amazing how often people get sore throats, especially during the summer and during their holiday on Fuerteventura.
Planning in everyday life and on your Fuerteventura holiday avoids stress.
Working overtime to finish the rest of the work before departure to Fuerteventura, quickly washing the last laundry, packing the suitcase, then taking care of the dog, cat, plants... - completely stressed you get into a rage at the smallest little thing. And all this only because you want to do everything before the (relaxing!) holiday. Do it better!
Traditional and medical acupuncture.
If patients do not respond to conventional medical treatments or if all current options of conventional medicine are exhausted, a look at alternative methods can help...
Antioxidant against radicals.
Tomatoes are considered a miracle weapon against all kinds of harmful influences on our body, from skin aging to cancer. We have long known that fresh fruit and vegetables are at the top of the scale of good things for us. One of the top places is occupied by a mixture, a so-called fruit vegetable...
Can an intact immune system also protect against major diseases?
The immune system, from the Latin “immunis” (i.e. untouched), is a highly complex system that plays a prominent role in our actually highly industrialised world, due to our exposure to massive amounts of synthetic chemicals since the industrial revolution.
(Photo by CDC on Unsplash)
The marine turtles visit the Canary Islands on their migration from the US coasts to Africa. Although they visit these islands all year, the peak is in the summer.
The Timple is a little guitar with 5 strings and is regarded to be the most representative musical instrument of the folklore in the Canaries.
Our Story:..How everything started. 1998 – on Fuerteventura, at the edge of Corralejo, in a screen print factory, starts the big premiere of “EXTREME ANIMALS“. For the first time Helga Palmers and Helmut Brittig create what is still today “Extreme”: Extreme honest handcraft, extreme good quality and extremely fine products from the “Fuerteventura Factory”, inspired by the idea to create a very extraordinary look: the Goat Skeleton.
Medicinal plants have been used since the origin of man to treat any type of disease. They contain active principles that are responsible for their healing power. Each plant has more than one property, which serves to treat several mismatches at the same time.
(Photo by Stefan Rodriguez on Unsplash)
Coffee roasting Shop and Bistro.
For those who would like to learn about something tasty during their vacation, there is the possibility to visit the coffee roasting shop "Kapè". Here, coffee beans, coming from the best coffee growing countries (9) from Central and South America, Africa, India and Asia are roasted in front of you. Get some interesting facts about their origin and history, and about roasting times and temperatures of these green-brown beauties.
Speculation about the first population on Fuerteventura.
It is well documented and common knowledge that the Majos (or Maxos) were inhabiting Fuerteventura when the Europeans were setting foot on Fuerteventura, between the 14th and 15th century AD. But there are data – although scarcely – that indicate that the first population of Fuerteventura began a lot earlier, and even potentially by the Phoenicians during their search for purple dye. This article does not claim to be a scientific document about the first settlers on Fuerteventura, but merely an entertaining collage of available data, personal interpretation and some fiction.
The island of San Borondón is probably the most intriguing one to all inhabitants of the Canary Islands. Its legend is part of the local culture and the quest for it is a never-ending story, even today with all the technology available.
For ages, the island was called in many tales, ballads, poems and folkloric songs “the mysterious one, the lost one, the unreachable one”. Based on those persistent rumours, many expeditions were initiated from the 15th till the 18th century – the most known was in 1721 under Juan de Mur y Aguirre, an admiral – and many naval maps were drawn.