Fuerteventura Weather: Forecast 4 days.

Weather forecast for Fuerteventura - 4 day preview.
The weather on Fuerteventura has no high peaks and deep slopes as you might have at home. On the contrary, the weather on Fuerteventura is showing temperatures in the shade from 15ºC till 30ºC. When it gets windy feel temperatures might be somewhat lower. We have weather forecasts for Corralejo, Puerto del Rosario, Costa Calma and Morro Jable.

Weather during Summer:
In general, the summers are dry, sunny - and windy. The prevailing N/NE wind is keeping us cool and is most appreciated by water sporters like windsurfers, surfers and kiters. The sunbathers do cherish those winds too, although some might be fooled by their cooling effect and turn up for dinner in their hotel, tomato-red. Sun cream (min. factor 30) at all times!!!

Weather during Winter:
The last years have given us some thunderstorms and heavy rain, but general weather conditions still are fine to enjoy beaches and surfing. The weather during winter still allows you to go home with a tan.