Guided Boat trips in Fuerteventura are a pleasant excursion experience for the entire family. You will go out to visit an island, a remote beach, a nearby fishermen's harbour or you can jump into the water and do some snorkelling. Some offer a jetski ride or a banana trip. Please find below a representative selection of these companies.

Guided Tours Fuerteventura: Kayak Tours

Paddling in Fuerteventura: Healthy, Ecological, Funny & For ALL
Fuerteventura is a paradise for water sports, the possibilities are many and the sea is perfect for
enjoying your favourite sports.
The North Shore of Fuerteventura is a wonderful playground for beginners and experts with Kayak and
Canoe. Beginners can paddle safely inside the Bay of Corralejo where there is a good protection against the
wind and the waves.
With some more experience or even better with a canoe instructor you can paddle outside of the Bay and
discover one of the most authentic places in Canary Islands: Lobos island.

Some useful suggestions for paddling safely:
If you’re planning to go to Lobos, take care of the weather (wind and waves), current and tide
especially inside "El Río" (channel between Lobos island and Corralejo). Do not paddle alone, look at
the forecast and tide before and look at the real weather outside. Tell someone the time you will be back, take a mobile phone with a waterproof bag. Use a life jacket
and clothes adapted to the weather. Take care not to get cold, it is better too warm than too cold. Hypothermia is one of the main risks on the Ocean.
Paddling is really easy, you just need to know how to swim.

The amazing wild nature of Fuerteventura.
From your kayak you can discover the Nature, Sea Turtles, Flying fishes, Local Birds or Baby
Sharks.... An opportunity to discover Fuerteventura from a new angle. Looking at Fuerteventura from
the water is precious, some distance to realize the beauty of our wild island.
When you paddle, you can also reach some isolated reefs for snorkelling, fishing, taking pictures or
Paddling is a wonderful alternative or complement to Surf, Kite, Wind Surf, Sailing, Diving...
The North Shore of Fuerteventura has 2 private centers where you can learn and enjoy paddling safely
with Sea kayak, Surfski or Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe, with some individual boats or team boat: from
2 paddlers up to 5 paddlers on the same boat (so easy, you share the effort you reduce the fear of the

Excursions - Boat: Family Fun on Catlanza - Corralejo - Fuerteventura.

catlanza_001logowebThe Catlanza is a large catamaran sailing boat, moored in Corralejo, Fuerteventura. You will set sail to the lovely island of Lobos where you will anchor in one of the blue lagoons to explore the underwater world with your snorkelling equipment. Food and drinks are included.

Excursions - Boat: Family Fun on Freebird Catamaran - Corralejo - Fuerteventura.

freebird_001logowebThe Freebird from Corralejo, Fuerteventura is a catamaran sailing yacht that is very stable on the water. You will visit the island of Lobos and anchor in one of the beautiful coves to explore the underwater world with your snorkelling equipment. Lunch and drinks included.


Excursions - Boat: Fuerteavela - Corralejo - Fuerteventura.

fuerteavela_001logowebFuerteavela in Corralejo, Fuerteventura offers 5-in-1 activities during the sailing trip: sail navigation, fishing, snorkelling, dolphins search and canoeing. Food and drinks are included in the offer. Duration: about 3 hours. Max. 8 people. Bookings with your holiday rep.


Excursions - Boat: Family Fun on Pirate Tour - Morro Jable - Fuerteventura.

piratetourjandia_001logowebThe boat Pedra Sartaña will set sail in the morning from the harbour of Morro Jable, Fuerteventura after a small snack and a refreshment. During the trip many games will be played to win prizes. Time to swim, snorkle or sunbathe before the lunch is served. With a bit of luck you can see dolphins, whales and flying fish.


Excursions - Boat: Family Fun on Blue Bird - Morro Jable - Fuerteventura.

bluebird_001logowebThe Blue Bird boat trip starts in the harbour of Morro Jable, Fuerteventura and brings you along the south coast of the island. You will be a witness to the abundant sea life here. The boat will anchor in a creek where lunch will be served and where you can snorkle or take a little siesta in the sun.


Subcat Submarine - Morro Jable - Fuerteventura


SUBCAT es un autentico submarino.

Es el único diseño en el mundo capaz de navegar en superficie y en inmersión. Descubre con nosotros el fantástico mundo subacuatico de Fuerteventura.

Reserve con su guía o visítenos en nuestro Centro SUBCAT.

For bookings / Para reservar / Buchungen: 900 507 006

Avda Saladar - C.C. Palm Garden - Local 36

Morro Jable - Jandía 35625


Se puede observar:

- tortugas,

- meros,

- barracudas,

- mantas-rayas,

- angelotes,

- pez trompeta,

- etc


{slide=Más Info}La excursión comienza en el puerto de Morrojable, al sur de la isla de Fuerteventura, base de operaciones del submarino “Subcat-Balea”. Usted embarca y toma asiento en la cubierta exterior de popa de nuestro exclusivo submarino-catamarán, con capacidad para 30 personas. Una azafata le acompañara dando las diversas e interesantes explicaciones durante toda la excursión.


Zarpamos y se inicia una bonita y agradable travesía navegando en superficie, una vez en la zona de inmersión, se accede al interior de la cabina por la escotilla de popa. Usted, ya está en el interior de la cabina de pasaje, comienza la maniobra de inmersión, y desde su asiento observa, como el agua va cubriendo los amplios ventanales (de un diámetro de 775 mm.) a medida que la embarcación se sumerge, es una sensación única y excitante. El Subcat queda inerte en el “gran azul” de Fuerteventura.


Durante el descenso hasta la zona de inmersión, un pequeño monitor de televisión le proporcionará, las medidas de seguridad y diversas perspectivas exteriores durante todo el viaje en inmersión. Cuando el Subcat llega al fondo del mar, navega lenta y silenciosamente, por el impresionante y desconocido fondo del mar, usted observa un veril y en sus rocas la fauna de tortugas, meros, barracudas, mantas-rayas, y otros muchos peces este ecosistema, Usted está en mar abierto, es el momento de realizar fotografías y videos.


El submarino se detiene y usted puede contemplar un increíble show de submarinismo, lleno de sorpresas, una vez finalizado. Llega el momento de la ascensión a la superficie, esta maniobra es espectacular, ya que el Subcat, sale a la superficie, emulando el majestuoso salto de una ballena. Una vez que el Subcat ha recuperado su condición de catamarán de superficie, navegamos de nuevo hacia el Puerto de Morrojable, finalizando así una de las experiencias más exclusivas y fantásticas de su vida.{/slide}

SUBCAT is a real submarine.

It is the only ship worldwide that combines surface and submerged travelling.

Discover with us the fantastic underwater world of Fuerteventura.

Book with your rep. or visit us at our SUBCAT Centre.